Sea and Ice in Ilulissat, Greenland, 9-2019
The North Atlantic Seas glimmered with floating icebergs and rocky islands streamed with ribbons…
August 30, 2020Quest for the Ultimate Gin & Tonic. Eqi Glacier, Greenland 9-2019
When one has a “yen” for a REALLY good gin & tonic some of…
September 9, 2019Foodie Time, Ilulissat, Greenland 9-2019
The cold waters off Disko Island provide the perfect environment for the famous sweet…
September 1, 2019Shetland Island Sojourn, Ponies, Sheep and Seabirds, Scotland, 8-2015
We arrive in the northernmost islands of Great Britain and explore the area south…
September 22, 2015Flower Day In May, Island of Mainau, Germany, 5-2015
Tip toe from the garden By the garden of the willow tree And tiptoe…
May 11, 2015Sicily, The Glory And The Decline, Italy, 4-2015
The marble walkways gleamed in the near empty streets of the old Arabic city…
April 11, 2015Strolling and Cruising through Venice, Italy, 5-2014
By Vaporetto through the Canale Grande. Franz and I had not been to Venice…
June 1, 2014Christmas Markets
Advent in Arbon, Switzerland, 12-2018
The December morning sun peeked out behind the rain clouds with a promise…
December 1, 2018The Ulm Christmas Market, Ulm, Germany, 12-2017
Towering Gothic spires of the Ulm Minister reached 530 feet into the sky and…
December 21, 2017The Nativity Museum Dornbirn, Austria, 11-2017
The baby Jesus lay nestled in the center of the boat carved out of…
December 21, 2017Kristmas in Kempten, Allgäu, Germany, 12-2016
Joy to the world It’s Christmas time Let earth receive its blessings! Christmas was…
December 30, 2016Fairytale Christmas Market in Nürnberg, Germany, 12-2014
Bratwurst roasting on an open fire Krampus nipping at your nose Weihnachtslieder being sung…
January 3, 2015