What to do on a cold rainy day? Chores can always wait. A visit to the Liechtenstein Art Museum in Vaduz, Liechtenstein had been on the list for quite a while and the exhibition Weaving the World by Kim Kimsooja was right up my alley. And the exhibition did not disappoint. The artist who works out of both New York and Seoul used the theme of thread that is woven throughout her work to express the energy emanating from her body to the needle. The energy generated is then released into her performance installations of video, photos, and sculptural work. My favorite was the film piece Thread Routes that traced the native cultural and textile traditions around the world combining both agricultural and natural elements into the work as well. It was an afternoon spent in the company of this jewel of a museum that packs a powerful artistic punch into the Upper Rhine Valley.
Liechtenstein Art Museum, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 11-2017
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