The Aare river glimmered emerald green in the afternoon sun as it wound around the medieval capital city of Bern Switzerland. Quiet laughter and animated conversation flowed from a group of young people as they floated down the swift moving…
The Aare river glimmered emerald green in the afternoon sun as it wound around the medieval capital city of Bern Switzerland. Quiet laughter and animated conversation flowed from a group of young people as they floated down the swift moving…
After our short jaunt to Venice our next stop on our whirlwind tour of the Veneto region was the city “where the world’s most excellent tragedy was performed” at the World Heritage site of Teatro Olimpico (Olympic Theatre) in Vicenza…
By Vaporetto through the Canale Grande. Franz and I had not been to Venice in a few years and felt we were long overdue for a short trip. So we decided to take a jaunt during the week in late…
The Milan skies were gray with a touch of light fog as we drove out of the urban sprawl of Milan. Our destination was the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the city of Ravenna. Ravenna during the fifth to eight…
This year the weather was unusually warm in Austria, in fact it was the fifth warmest January since records began in 1768. Our local mountain snowfall levels were so low that we cancelled our New Years ski vacation and instead…