The December morning sun peeked out behind the rain clouds with a promise of sunshine making for a perfect day to head out to the historic town of Arbon, Switzerland. The Medieval town is nestled on the shores of…
The December morning sun peeked out behind the rain clouds with a promise of sunshine making for a perfect day to head out to the historic town of Arbon, Switzerland. The Medieval town is nestled on the shores of…
Towering Gothic spires of the Ulm Minister reached 530 feet into the sky and a nativity scene featuring live animals decorated the entrance to the impressive church dating to 1377. I had convinced Franz to join me on this very…
The baby Jesus lay nestled in the center of the boat carved out of exotic wood as an angel with prominent wings watches over the sleeping child. Mary and Joseph accompanied by the wise men peer over the sides of…
Joy to the world It’s Christmas time Let earth receive its blessings! Christmas was in the air with the scents of freshly baked gingerbread, spiced cider, and sizzling sausages as I strolled the Christmas market of the 2000 year old…
Bratwurst roasting on an open fire Krampus nipping at your nose Weihnachtslieder being sung by a Chor And Volk dressed up like Nürnberger Ho ho ho! It’s Christmas time in Nürnberg Germany. Franz and I were feeling in a Christmas…