The melting water had frozen into long gleaming daggers that decorated the steep rock faces along the icicle trail of the Wirtatobel ravine. The night before the temperatures had plunged and we had to be extra careful navigating the sidewalks let…
The melting water had frozen into long gleaming daggers that decorated the steep rock faces along the icicle trail of the Wirtatobel ravine. The night before the temperatures had plunged and we had to be extra careful navigating the sidewalks let…
Turquoise skies graced with billowing clouds were reflected in the pool beside the burbling stream. In the distance the familiar clanging of cow bells mingled with chirping of birds that could be heard in the peaceful valley. We were in hiking…
The summer storm threatened to fall all day. As the evening came the skies lightened and we were graced with a brilliant sunset splashed across Lake Constance. Franz and I were thrilled because we had tickets to the Bregenzer Festspiele…
The hills were alive once again with the sounds of buzzing bees, clanging cows, and running water. Wild alpine flowers were bursting with color and the fragrant scent mingled with the earthy cow paddies as Franz and I made our way up the…
Ore! Ore! cries filled the air of the 2016 Bregenz Fasching Parade that hailed the end of the abundance and gluttony of Carnival season. The weeks highlights began with “Fat Thursday” followed by the Sunday parade with drill teams, brass…
Happy New Year from Bregenz, Austria to all our family and friends from Native Journeys. May 2016 bring you many fun filled adventures and lots of happiness! Back to home
Ore Ore! It’s the 11th month, the 11th day, and 11:11 and the Bregenz market place is alive with the sounds of a brass and a Guggamusik band, a costumed drill team, and high spirited participants are dressed in a…
This summer records throughout Europe hit all time highs. Here in Austria we had the second hottest July ever recorded. Franz and I needed a respite from the sweltering heat by the Bodensee and headed up to the mountains for…
Back to home
Mountains, cascading waterfalls, and the fresh green of spring greeted us as we strolled up the path along the Samina River thoroughly enjoying the alpine spring. Austria is a hikers paradise and almost every week when the weather warms up…